Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Random thought of the day:

Hard-boiled eggs taste best in Korean noodle dishes. If I were an egg, I would be able to overcome the disappointment of never becoming a chick(en) if my life's culmination (and simultaneous end) came in a bed of noodles.

Friday, June 8, 2012


I want to start writing letters to people. This is, of course, just another of my forays into self-expression and "writing" doomed for failure. However, I do think that so many genuine thoughts and feelings get lost in the monotonousness of everyday conversation. Kind of like cyber thugs, I think not having to face the receiver while expressing my thoughts gives me the courage to push the limits of honesty within that relationship.

So, who wants a letter?

Edit: I guess another way to ask that question could be: so, who reads this blog?