Thursday, October 13, 2011

Worship: Re-defined

A few weeks ago, a friend of mine sent me a YouTube clip of a pastor singing a praise song. We talked about (well, more like he told me) how this performance transcends a very good singer singing a very good praise song. This performance (if we can even call it that) was underpinned by a truthfulness, a genuine passion that this pastor has. As my friend put it, "It's powerful because he lives the song. He is not singing for anyone else but God."

This got me thinking about my own worship. As a habitually tardy participant, I often miss out on one of the most important parts - praise. Every facet of my life screams that I do not worship God, and my worship - the part that is supposed to get me back on track - is no exception. Whether it is missing it entirely or getting too caught up in the music, praise (and worship) has gone largely missing from my worship. I need to get it back.

I didn't title this entry "Worship: Re-defined" because I found a new understanding of worship. I titled it such because as a Christian, I am so bone-headed and stupid. I constantly forget the basics and the fundamentals, fancying myself with elaborate deviations and justifications. I need a constant re-defining of my faith. Please pray for me


  1. i never can relate to people who say they're trying to "redefine" worship because of this so called "new understanding, but i totally agree with your definition in this entry.
